Black and White

Friday, March 14, 2014

Long awaited sun and warm weather has finally arrived. I couldn't wait for higher temperature and light clothing. I'm pretty sure it's safe to store all those thick winter coats, wool scarves and gloves, and take out new clothing pieces ideal for this transition period. Layered clothing is what makes this part of the year so interesting. Striking coats, elegant trench coats and leather biker jackets will surely make it easier to go from cold to spring days. Besides that, all of our combinations will have chic touch. 
These days, light coats are indispensable part of my everyday outfits. Unbuttoned or folded over my arm during the day and buttoned up during the nigh, ideal for still chilly late walks. Together with my favorite black and white coat, I like to combine this year's trend, which is still present in many 'highs street' spring collections. You are guessing, I'm talking about ever-present reign of denim on denim combinations. Classic, timeless and very cool at the same time, denim became unavoidable piece of clothing which is always worth the investment. 
You can see how I wear it on the following photos. :) :)

Dugo priželjkivano sunce i toplo vrijeme napokon je stiglo u grad. Jedva sam dočekala više temperature, a s njima i laganiju odjeću. Zimske debele kapute, vunene šalove i rukavice mogu spremiti na sigurno do sljedeće zime, a u prvi plan izbaciti komade idealne za ovo prijelazno razdoblje. Slojevito odijevanje je ono što ovaj period godine čini zanimljivim. Upečatljivi kaputi, elegantni baloneri ili pak kožne bajkerske jakne olakšat će nam prelazak iz hladnih dana u proljetne, a svakoj našoj kombinaciji dati chic notu.
Lagani kaputići su ovih dana nezaobilazan dio mojih svakodnevnih outfita. Po danu raskopčan ili prebačen preko ruke, navečer zakopčan, idealan za još uvijek prohladne večeri. Uz moj najdraži ovosezonski crno bijeli rado kombiniram još jedan trend koji se zadržao i u proljetnim kolekcijma mnogih 'high street' brandova. Pogađate, riječ je o sveprisutnoj vladavini trapera na traper. Klasičan, bezvremenski, a u isto vrijeme i jako cool, traper je postao nezaobilazan komad odjeće u koji se isplati investirati.  
Kako ja nosim ovaj trend, možete vidjeti na sljedećim fotografijama. :)

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