Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Mostar, March 2007. Bus station, 6:30 AM. I'm rubbing my one way ticket to Split and impatiently waiting for bus departure. I can feel fatigue overcoming me. The reason is last sleepless night. I'm glancing at my suitcase, and thinking if I have forgotten something. The driver is still reading his newspapers, and sipping his early morning coffee. Finally, other passengers are here. Driver, looking at his watch, reluctantly enters his bus. We are on our way.
This is how my departure to Split looked like. I never thought that the biggest city in Dalmatia, will soon be my new home. I must admit that, at that time, I was already fascinated with it. I even celebrated my 19th birthday there. Few days ago, I did it again. This time, my cake had few more candles, and I was in my house, instead of a dorm.
It has passed nearly half a year since I moved my stuff at my new address. Ever since then, I like to start my day with exploring the city and finding new locations and cool places. This morning I decided to bring my camera and imitate curious tourist who like to record everything they find interesting in our old city. Nice and sunny weather lured out so many people. Coffee shops and terraces were crowded, getting a free seat was a real jackpot. I entered the labyrinth of narrow shady streets, and started shooting.
This is what I got. :)
Tako je, prije nekoliko godina, izgledao moj polazak u Split frendici koja je tu studirala. Meni, tadašnjoj brucošici, nije bilo ni na kraj pameti da će upravo taj, najveći grad u Dalmaciji, jednoga dana postati moj novi dom. A moram priznati da me tada već oduševio. Svoj 19. rođendan sam te, ne tako davne, 2007. proslavila u Splitu. A upravo neki dan sam ponovno rezala rođendansku tortu u tom istom gradu, ovaj put s nešto više svjećica i umjesto u studentskom stanu, u toplini svoga doma.
Prošlo je pola godine otkako sam preselila svoje stvari na splitsku adresu. Od tada mi je najdraže započeti dan istraživanjem grada i otkrivanjem novih zanimljivih mjesta. Jutros sam, spremajući se za šetnju gradom, odlučila ponijeti fotić i kao radoznali turist zabilježiti svojim objektivom zanimljivosti starog dijela grada. I naravno, podijeliti ih s vama! Lijepo i sunčano vrijeme svakoga je izmamilo na ulicu i teško je bilo pronaći slobodno mjesto na terasama kafića. Ja sam se zavukla u male, uske uličice Palače gdje se sunce slabije probijalo, a zanimljivih detalja za fotku nije nedostajalo i krenula s fotografiranjem.
It's beautiful! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks darling :)